Other Students Music Videos

Other students Music Videos

Problem- By Arianna Grande 
Other students Music Videos

Mise en scene - there are some key locations shown within the piece such as the flames, white backgrounds, with a brick wall and in front of the fence. The choice of clothing for the male rapper and for Arianna was accurate with the big gold chain and a white tee with a hat for the male rapper which is stereotypical. The girls are all wearing funky outfits just like Arianna would with rips in her jeans and leather jackets.  Although it is almost forced to be exactly like Arianna herself and they should not try and be her they should be making there own version of it.

The leather jacket, bright red lipstick and hoop earrings are similar to the dress sense Arianna herself would stick too. The use of non-diegetic sound within the piece also meant that their character was similar dress to the singer herself. The sound of the music in the clip wasn’t that clear and it wasn’t easy to hear all of the lyrics. The video lip syncing however, was in time and the dance choreography of the piece and the time and effort they had put into making sure the video was a success showed. The use of planning for the most effective angles on and shots were clear. 

 The way in which all of the shots were presenting Arianna herself when she was talking about herself from her own perspective. This shows that they have organised exactly how they want the remake to run.  

The variation of light and dark shots using bright shiny clothing to stand out and shorts which are sexualised by the public viewing Arianna shows a good representation of one of her videos. There is not really a huge narrative to this story as such on this remake music video it is more just singing into the camera and putting dance moves together in a variety of different locations. There is transitions used from the girls bright red lipstick which would be sexualised and glossy and seductive to the fast paced grinding dance moves that are being used throughout the video. Overall, the filming was smooth and they represented the video well with a choice of shots and mise on scene with the clothing. However, they should have rerecorded the bits where the music cannot be heard clearly as it is ineffective to their piece. There is no special editing used within this piece but it is clear they have thought about the way in which they should place the lighting onto the girl in order to make her stand out within the harsh dark background. 

Furthermore, the most effective part of the music video remake is the way in which they have picked a simplistic location which has meant they don't need to worry about expensive props etc and this has led to a far from realistic video. From this i can use the way in which they have looked at each heading in detail in order to make sure all of my music video is completed to the best of my ability. For example i now know i have to know the song of by heart myself and so does the person lip syncing otherwise all of the timings will be wrong. Furthermore, make sure that the location i choose to shoot in i actually have permission to film in and make sure all contracts are signed so that people arent put into my video without their own consent. As well as this making sure the story line, outfits, location and props fit the target audience and the lyrics to make sure the audience have a full understanding of the music video. 


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