What Makes A Good Student Music Video

A good music video consists of on time lip syncing. This is important as for a viewer it is really frustrating to be watching a video that is moving at different times. A music video also needs a set story line to be following for example if a video was supposed to be following a set narrative such as Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift Everything Has Changed. This video is successful because it follows them growing up into adults from little children and links to the lyrics and title of the song. A good student music video includes props that are actually affordable in locations that work for example trying to recreate a restaurant at home with a couple of menus you have made doesn't work. Going out for an actual meal and using the restaurant instead of trying to recreate something that look realistic creates a successful music video. The third most important thing for a student music video is too make sure that you go overboard keep it simple and focus on balancing your time wisely and leaving time to redo aspects to reach the best video that you can. The editing needs to be as smooth as possible we don't want the film looking jumpy with loads of different cuts that don't match up as we have previously viewed these videos and they are stuck in low bands and are unable to move up because of this reason. The most important thing that will help me when creating my own music video is through watching both successful and unsuccessful aspects of both top grade and low level banded videos from previous years. Realising how many hours of footage we will actually need just because we might not be able to get the same locations we need exactly again. Furthermore, it's important to think about the clothing that the characters are wearing and what it has representations of. For example in Charli XCX 'Break The Rules' the use of the Male Gaze Theory is used with the man behind the counter and the school girls in tight short skirts and shirts with buttons undone sexualised the choice of the innocent formal school outfit. Showing a variety of representations makes a good student video as you are focusing on lots of different aspects for example gender,ethnicity and class. 

This will help when making my own music video because i now know what needs to be included in my music video in order for it to be as professional as possible. This research will help because we have viewed lots of previous years final videos and placed them in bands ourselves and justified our reasoning then compared it to the actual grade received in order to be able to make a judgement of where our own video is and then be able to push it that little bit further. 


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