The purpose of magazine adverts and digipaks

The purpose of a magazine advert is to promote your product in a glossy coating that stands out to potential consumers. It puts the music out to the target audience making them aware of the artist, song and the record label at hand. The purpose of a digipak is a way of selling to the audience through the sales of a disk/ CD. However, there is now improved methods such as being able to download the album online through ITunes, Spotify etc. Aswell as being able to illegally download music for free which is against the law but is on the increase due to advanced technology now available.

In my own video i need to make sure that my magazine advert and digipak are related in order for the product to be linked together and therefore, for fill the role of fully promoting the one sole product. This will help in my own music video because i now know all of the key features that will make my digipak and advert stand out and have viewed several examples to gain further knowledge of how to lay them out in order to promote the music the best way that they can.


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